Health Problems Treatment: A



Here you will find useful information on various types of acne and its treatment at home.

What causes аcne?

Acne is a skin disease which is caused by increased secretion of fat by skin glands which leads to corking pores with skin sells and excessive growth of bacteria in pores.

 Acne Types

Acne is often classified on mild,  moderate, severe and very severe types
 Mild acne: characterized by a combination of comedones and diffused small papules. Nodules are absent. There are only a few inflammed sites. This type of acne isn't usually accompanied by formation of scars.

 Moderate acne: the inflammation is more marked, there is a set of small papules and pustules. Comedones are clearly visible.

Severe Acne: there are 5 or more nodules, more than 100 comedones and more than 40 inflammed lesions.

Very Severe Acne:  Nodules and cysts cover greater part of face, back and chest. If not cured properly, this type of acne can lead to formation of scars.

Acne Treatment

Treatment of аcne at home is done, as a rule, by means of natural remedies and many people
considered this a more effective way of treating this ailment.
It is easier to find means most effective for treatment of acne on the basis of natural products . It will be very useful for young people who suffer from acne to familiarize themselves with the recipes listed here and share them with their friends who also suffer from this disease - they will be very grateful to you.


Clearing face packs are one of the most effective methods of acne treatment. Correctly picked components will not only clear your skin, but will also feed it with vitamins and make it beautiful and fresh.
For example, you can apply such face pack: take eight meduim cloves of fresh garlic and crush them into homogeneous mass. Then apply this mass to skin  and leave for a quarter of an hour. Avoid getting garlic into eyes. After the time has passed, wash your face with warm water and apply some facial cream.

Recipe 2

For this face pack you need milk and almonds and also orange. Before starting to prepare this face pack you need to soak almonds  in water to soften it. Then pound the almonds and add two table-spoons of milk to it. Add one table-spoon of orange juice and one capsule of vitamin A which you can buy at a drug-store. Mix everything carefully, then apply a thin layer of this mixture to the skin of face and neck. After 20 minutes wash your face with warm water. Let me draw your attention that in spite of the fact that this and similar face packs contain only  natural components, you shouldn`t abuse them.
Apply face packs not more than 2-3 times a week as it is possible to harm your skin with too frequent

 It is necessary to mention that acne can signal that your organism needs cleaning. So acne treatment in many cases needs not only application of face packs but also special clearing diets. It is good to do intestines washing, go in for jogging and do mornig exercises

Recipe 3

A special clearing diet. It lasts three days therefore it is easy to endure even to those who is fond of eatng. This diet will be oat porridge and it should be cooked on water, without sugar.
We cook traditional porridge but only on water and don`t add anything to it.
During the diet is possible to drink some mineral water and green tea without sugar too.
Such diet will help the organism to deduce "garbage" and also to lower weight for overweight persons.
 As acne is the external manifestation of the internal negative process, this diet will help the organism to fight against this ailment.

 By the way, acne can signal of some serious diseases of blood, therefore if you have some other
symptoms disturbing you such as pains in joints and fever, you should consult the doctor and checkup for other serious illnesses.