Health Problems Treatment: Cancer - Causes, Treatment and Diet

Saturday 19 May 2012

Cancer - Causes, Treatment and Diet

Cancerogenic factors of environment and a way of life can lead to most cases of cancer. So smoking is at the bottom of 35 % of all malignant tumors, dietary habits - 30 %, infectious agents - 10 %, professional carcinogens - 5 %.
Other 20% of cancer are caused by ionizing radiation , ultra-violet radiation, air pollution and such harmful habits as alcohole intake, low physical activity and some others.


Smoking is the main cause for lung cancer. Smoking can also lead to cancer of oral cavity, throat, gullet, kidneys and bladder. Influence of polluted air on development of lung canceris in 30 times less than smoking. A smoker voluntary swallows in himself the most polluted air.
In cities air is polluted by cancerogenic substances exhausted by cars and plants. Poisonous substances are formed as a result of combustion of oil products and coal. The same carcinogens are formed as a result tobacco combustion, and their concentration in cigaret smoke is hundreds times higher than air pollution in any industrial city.
The risk of development of blood cancer at an early age is increased for children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy.


Alcohol intake upsets hormonal balance of an organism and is an additional negative factor. Cancer of mammary glands in women can be caused by hormonal disbalance provoked by smoking, alcohol intake, early sex with intake of oral contraceptives and numerous abortions.

Too Hot Food

It i scientifically proven that such harmful habit as drinking too hot tea or coffee can be the cause of stomach cancer. The chronic burn of stomach internal layer which takes place for a long time can promote malignant degeneration of stomach cells.

Bacteria and Viruses

A chaotic way of life leads to increase in number of virus diseases which under certain circumstances can develop malignant tumors. For example, viruses of papilloma cause cancer of cervix of the uterus and are carried sexually. This illness is not developed in men and they are only virus carriers. The virus can live for a long time in an organism of a woman before developing a tumor and it is possible to discover it by means of a simple test. This disease can be easily cured if diagnosed early.

Influence of Sunshine

The skin and melanoma cancer cases sharply increase after summer holidays spent
in tropical countries. The white-skinned and fair-haired people are especially at risk
and to majority of them excessive sunbathing is harmful. It is impossible to rely on sunblocks as they only prevent an external burn of skin but let in sunshine with short wave length which sharply increases risk of development of an extremely dangerous melanoma.


Stressful conditions of life and negative events destroy immune system of an organism, weaken
its protective functions. So stress factor can promote development of malignant tumors or acceleration of their growth.

Cancer Treatment

The main methods of cancer treatment are surgery followed by chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Chemotherapy represents the main type of a medicamentous cancer therapy. There are some other methods of treatment which, strictly speaking, also are chemotherapeutic, for example hormonal therapy and immunotherapy, but the term "chemotherapy" specifically means treatment by cytotoxic medications, i.e. breaking process of reproduction of cancer cells.
The huge advantage of chemotherapy before other methods such as surgical intervention or radiotherapy is that it affects all cells in the organism.

Diet For Cancer

Diet for cancer implies the use of food which suppresses tumor growth and exclusion of products which stimulate tumoral process.
For normalization of carbohydrate metabolism they should be supplied slowly and constantly. Vegetables, porridges, rough ground bread are traditionally considered as source of such carbohydrates. All these foods contain a large amount of cellulose which promotes clarification of intestines.
On the contrary, easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, confections, white bread) can stimulate tumor growth as they are quickly absorbed by its cells and supply them with energy necessary for the process of cell division.
Therefore all sweets must be excluded from the diet of a cancer patient.
Glucose, either orally or in injections, is strictly prohibited as it promotes fast tumor growth.
As to sweet fruit and berries which contain rather high amount of simple sugars, they also have other biologically active substances which promote suppression of tumor growth. Nevertheless,
it is better to give preference to less seet fruit and berries.

Proteins are necessary for existence of a human body, they can be included in
diet at a cancer in the form of chicken, low-fat grades of fish, sour-milk products,
cottage cheese. It is recommended to avoid (or to limit the use to 1-2 times in a
week) red meat especially fat.
It is discovered that such meat promotes production of insulin which stimulates growth of
malignant tumors.

Fats also should be present in a diet for cancer but mainly in the form of vegetable oil
which stimulates the correct metabolic processes.

It is very important to observe the following recommendations:

1) Avoid overeating - excessive food will feed the tumor. Meals should be taken5-6 times a day but in small portions.

2) Exclude from the diet fried, smoked, pungent, salty and tinned food, sweets and sweet aerated drinks, pies, cakes and confectionary; completely exclude alcohol, strong tea and coffee;

3) Meat should be boiled or steamed, red meat only low-fat, 2 times a week, no more;

4) Fish also only low-fat, boiled or stewed, 1-2 times a week;

5) Vegetables should to be eaten daily, 400-500 g of different vegetables; part of them should be eaten fresh; but as not all patients can digest big quantity of fresh vegetables, it is quite possible to steam or boil them;

6) Eat fruit and berries every day: apples, oranges, berries and so on. Fruit should be eaten at least 20 minutes before meals but not during or after meals.

7) Drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice every morning half an hour before meals.

8) Eat different porridges every morning

9) All food should be freshly cooked as dishes which already stood in a refrigerator may contain some cancerogenic substances.

10) Consult the doctor if you decided to take vitamins or any other remedies .

Cancer is a serious illness and it is necessary to treat it in all possible ways including diet.

Anticarcinogenic herbs: rose-bay (leaves), burdock (root), plantain, birch (leaves), dog-rose, red clover (flowers), ginger ( root), aloe vera, dill, mint, rosemary, turmeric.

Food with anticarcinogenic effect:

fruit (avocado, dates, kiwi, grapefruits, strawberry, oranges, raspberry, water-melon),

vegetables (all types of cabbage, eggplants, garden radish, turnip, pumpkin, tomatoes, pepper , garlic, greens, onions, parsley, soya, ginger),

nuts (apricot kernels, almonds, filbert, walnut, Brazilian nut, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, flax seeds),

fish (herring, mackerel, tuna, sardines),

sea vegetables, green tea,

grain ( brown rice, buckwheat),

oil (olive, linen).

Food blocking metastases: fish (mackerel, herring, cod), cabbage of all sorts, garlic, all bright yellow and bright green vegetables.

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