Health Problems Treatment: Hypertension - High Blood Pressure

Saturday 19 May 2012

Hypertension - High Blood Pressure

Usual symptoms of a hypertension - headaches, dizziness, noise in ears and - sooner or later - hemorrhages in eyes. High Blood Pressure can be the cause of heart attack or a cerebral hemorrhage (stroke).
Blood pressure 150-180 (systolic)/90-100 (diastolic) is considered moderately high.
Pressure over 180/100 bears deadly threat for blood vessels.
Small ruptures of blood vessels can cause formation of clots of blood and exclusion from blood circulation millions of cells , whereas the rupture of a large vessel can lead to paralysis and death.

Influence of Kidneys

One of functions of kidneys is control of arterial pressure. When it is not enough oxygen, they secret a special factor which rises pressure and by that increases oxygen supply of heart.
As vitamin E reduces need for oxygen, it is especially important for people with elevated pressure. Deficiency of choline or vitamins C or Е causes hemorrhages in kidneys and oxygen starvation of cells because of reduced blood supply.
Steady increase in pressure can be the result of rather slight kidneys illnesses.
So in all cases of a hypertension it is necessary to pay special attention to a condition of kidneys.

Influence of Choline

Choline is necessary for synthesis of lecithin and utilization of fats, its insufficiency can
cause hypertension which is especially widespread among people with excessive
weight, suffering from diabetes, nephrite and/or heart diseases. However, weight reduction not always leads to decrease in arterial pressure.

Sodium and Potassium

Insufficiency of potassium as the reason of a hypertension is investigated little. However
prevalence of hypertension in the world is extremely high, and now often the illness develops at younger age because of excessive consumption of salt.
Reduction of salt consumption (sodium) has been for a long time a successfully applied method to lower arterial pressure, but rigid restriction of salt can be dangerous, and this last approach is possibly not the wisest.
Amounts of sodium and potassium in blood are interconnected, and surplus of one leads to
loss with urine of the other.
Healthy kidneys keep sodium much more effectively, than potassium, which
it is quickly comes out with urine. But when kidneys are injured, this nutritious
substance is lost even quicker. If the food is rich in potassium or potassium is taken in tablets, high arterial pressure falls to normal provided that increase is caused by only excessive consumption of salt.
To ensure supply of potassium people suffering from hypertension should eat more green leaf vegetables - parsley, lettuce, dill and so on. As a temporary measure it is possible to take 1-2 g of potassium chloride at each meal if only digitalis, verospiron or other potassium-saving drugs were not prescribed.

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